List of convenient Mac software
- Anaconda Python distr
- ApE
- Atom
- FileZilla FTP
- TexStudio
Adobe Illustrator
Not really coding, but still convenient.
How to convert a sketch to an adobe illustrator image
Some handles on how to convert a sketch to an adobe illustrator image.
Import image in Adobe Illustrator, then Window > Image trace. Use that panel to convert. Note that it won’t become vector immediately, instead you’ll still be able to edit the trace through the window. Select Object > Image Trace > Expand to make it into a set of vectors. (Or do this from the options menu.)
To paint parts of the image, use Live paint bucket. First select the stuff you want. Later to add more stuff, use Object > Live Paint > Merge. This option is a bit hidden behind the Shape Builder Tool.
Use Object > Path > Outline Stroke, to convert a stroke to a vector object that has borders where the outlines of the stroke path were.
I used the anaconda distribution, python 3.0, and use
$ ipython3
to run python code from command line. (This comes with the Spyder GUI.)
Currently gedit is my favorite editor, and I sometimes copy lines of code from gedit, to paste them in ipython using the magic paste command
>> %paste
. A style guide can be found at
For Windows, I both tried Anaconda and Python(x,y).
Some convenient parts of Python code
Using color palette by Cynthia Brewer.
# using colorbrewer import palettable.colorbrewer import matplotlib.colors as colors cmap = colors.ListedColormap(palettable.colorbrewer.diverging.Spectral_6.mpl_colors) theColor = cmap.colors[clusterIndex] # use in line where plotting is done
See for an overview of the colours.
- I use TeXstudio for Latex editing.
- I use WinSCP for FTP transfers.
Matlab code
Some convenient parts of Matlab code.
Some standardized plotting code
Plotting on top of subplot of previously saved figure
When you have saved a figure with subplots, and later want to add to this figure after loading, you can use e.g. h.Children(2) to get to a subplot’s axis. However, if you want to make sure that you have the right subplot, you can use tags. The example below shows how to do this.
%% testH=figure; hS1=subplot(1,2,1); plot(hS1,1:10,2:11); hS1.Tag='subplot1'; hS2=subplot(1,2,2); plot(hS2,1:10,2:11); hS2.Tag='subplot2'; %% savefig('testTag.fig') hT=openfig('testTag.fig') hax = findobj(hT, 'Type', 'axes', 'Tag', 'subplot1'); axes(hax); hold on; plot([1:10], ones(10,1)*5);
Saving plots
The saveas() function is convenient, but the print function offers more options, you can also set the dpi (use e.g. -r300 to set resolution to 300dpi).
saveas(h1,[OUTPUTFOLDER 'pdf_' figureName '.pdf']); figure(h1); print([OUTPUTFOLDER 'tif_' figureName '.tif'],'-r300','-dtiff')
Checking whether folder exists, creating it otherwise
currentFolder = pwd; outputDir = [currentFolder '\output\']; currentDateTime = datestr(now); currentDateTime = strrep(currentDateTime, ':', '-'); currentDateTime = strrep(currentDateTime, ' ', '_'); if ~exist(outputDir) mkdir(outputDir) end save( [outputDir 'simdata_' currentDateTime '.mat'] );
Date time string
datePrefix = ['_' datestr(now,'YYYY-MM-DD') '_' datestr(now,'HH-MM')]
Some conveniences for matlab
%Set all fontsizes FONTSIZE=20 set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'FontSize',FONTSIZE,'fontWeight','normal') set(gca,'FontSize',FONTSIZE) % Legend with chosen handles legend([l1,l2,l3,l4],{'description 1','description ','description','description '},'Location','southeast')
Next line in plot title
% 10 is the code for nextline
title( [ 'line 1', 10, 'line 2' ] )
Look of numbers
% 10 is the code for nextline title( [ 'line 1', 10, 'line 2' ] )
Look of numbers
Editing decimal places:
sprintf('%0.3f', fitMu)
Adding zeroes at front:
sprintf('%03d', N)
Errorbar plot
% Short: [h,hErrorbar]=barwitherr([output.stdFluor],[output.meanFluor]); % note weird order set(hErrorbar, 'LineWidth', 3) % Long: % make errorbar plot % === figure, clf, [h,hErrorbar]=barwitherr([output.stdFluor],[output.meanFluor]); set(hErrorbar, 'LineWidth', 3) %MW added set(h, 'FaceColor', [.4 .4 .4]); MW_makeplotlookbetter(14); title('mean Fluor values'); set(gca, 'XTickLabel',USERSETTINGS.wellNamesToPlot, 'XTick',1:numel(USERSETTINGS.wellNamesToPlot)) ylabel('fluor / OD (a.u.)')
Bars with colors
for i=1:numel(alldata) l=bar(i, fittedMus(i)); set(l, 'LineWidth', 1, 'FaceColor', customcolors(i,:), 'EdgeColor', customcolors(i,:)); end % align,labeling set(gca, 'XTickLabel',{1:numel(alldata)}, 'XTick',1:numel(alldata)) xlim([0,numel(alldata)+1])
Save figure, also color vector format
% save the figure saveas(1, [MYDIR 'summaryPlot_colonylength.tif'],'tif'); saveas(1, [MYDIR 'summaryPlot_colonylength.eps'],'epsc');
Log scale
plot( [1,2], [3,4]); set(gca,'xscale','log');
Annoying struct ylim
% Determine ylim frameSummedLengthdatapile=[]; for i=1:numel(alldata) frameSummedLengthdatapile = [frameSummedLengthdatapile, alldata(i).frameData(:).frameSummedLength]; end ylim([0,max(frameSummedLengthdatapile)*1.1]);
Accessing multiple entries from vectors in a struct
When you’d like to do something like
mystruct(:).(myFieldName)(1) % doesn't work length(mystruct(:).(myFieldName)) % doesn't work
Do this instead:
lengths = arrayfun(@(x) length(x.(myFieldName)),mystruct) firstElements = arrayfun(@(x) x.(myFieldName)(1),mystruct) % x is just parameter for arrayfun.
The same can be done using cellfun, if you want to go over cell entries. Note that in some cases ‘UniformOutput’ can be a convenient parameter.
alltaus = cellfun(@(x) groupedCCLines.(x).tau, DATASETSTOPLOT, 'UniformOutput', false)
Generating nicely colored lines
Use the package
. (Maybe check exact copyright of this, seem to be some issues.)
Plotyy with different features
– Make x axis log scale.
– Set x lim.
– Plot another point on specific either axes.
– Choose which line is on top.
– Controlling colors and font sizes of axes.
– Setting axes labels.
– Make it fit the plot window.
– Set ticks.
%% Create dual y-axis optimality plot, figure; clf; % plot individual well points % .... % manualMuValues % plot lines muData = [output.muValuesMean]; plateauData = [output.plateauValuesMean]; [ax,l1,l2] = plotyy(myConcentrations,muData,... myConcentrations,plateauData);%,'semilogx'); set(l1,'Marker','o','LineWidth',3,'Color','r'); set(l2,'Marker','s','LineWidth',2,'Color',[.7 .7 .7]); hold(ax(1), 'on'); hold(ax(2), 'on'); % x lim myXlim = [min(myConcentrations(myConcentrations>0))/3,max(myConcentrations)*3]; xlim(ax(1),myXlim); xlim(ax(2),myXlim); % plot values at 0 l0 = plot(ax(1),myXlim(1),muData(end)); set(l0,'Marker','o','LineWidth',3,'Color','r'); l0 = plot(ax(2),myXlim(1),plateauData(end)); set(l0,'Marker','s','LineWidth',2,'Color',[.7 .7 .7]); % Put graph 1 on the foreground % (Thanks to uistack(ax(1)); set(ax(1), 'Color', 'none'); set(ax(2), 'Color', 'w'); % log scale x axes set(ax(1),'xscale','log'); set(ax(2),'xscale','log'); % Set cosmetics set(ax(1),'fontsize',15); set(ax(2),'fontsize',15); ylim(ax(1),[0,max(muData)*1.4]); ylim(ax(2),[min(plateauData),max(plateauData)*1.4]); MW_makeplotlookbetter(15); xlabel('Concentration cAMP','Color','k'); ylabel(ax(1),'Growth rate [dbl/hr]','Color','k'); ylabel(ax(2),'OD plateau value [a.u.]','Color','k'); set(ax(1), 'YColor', 'k'); set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'k'); legend([l1,l2],{'Growth rates','Max. OD value observed'}) % Per default larger fonts don't fit this window set(ax(1), 'Position',[0.15 0.15 0.65 0.8]); % Set ticks labelLocations=logspace(1,4,4); set(gca,'XTick',labelLocations);%'XTickLabel',USERSETTINGS.wellNamesToPlot, set(ax(1),'YTick',[0:0.2:1]);%'XTickLabel',USERSETTINGS.wellNamesToPlot,
Set figure size for saving
h=figure(); h.PaperUnits = 'centimeters'; h.PaperPosition = [0 0 13.1 6.6]; saveas(h, ...);
Aligning subplots and legends
Introducing separate legends to subplot introduces misalignments. Below solves it, first prat is for plots, second for legends. Code is a bit sloppy, the code for the legend is cleaner imo.
% Align plots pos=get(axes,'position') pmat=cat(1,pos{:}); %define new postions nax=numel(axes); pnew=repmat(max(pmat),nax,1); pnew(:,1)=pmat(:,1); %keep old left pos pnew(:,2)=pmat(:,2); %keep old left pos pnew(:,4)=pmat(:,4); %keep old left pos newpos = num2cell(pnew,2); %apply new positions set(axes,{'position'},newpos) % Align legends pos=get(leg,'position') %pmat=cat(1,pos{:}); posmat=cell2mat(pos) left = posmat(:,1); sizes = posmat(:,3); posmat(:,1) = ones(3,1)*min(left); %posmat(:,1) = 1-max(sizes); posmat(:,3) = ones(3,1)*max(sizes); % set set(leg,{'position'},num2cell(posmat,2))
Figures without focus
How to generate and save figures in matlab that are invisible and do not “steal” focus from other programs, i.e. how to make figures in the background.
% use this option to make invisible figure: h1=figure('Visible','off'); % to go back to this figure (e.g. to add more data to it), use set(0,'CurrentFigure',h1); % instead of figure(h1).
Create subplot meta titles and labels for axes
I downloaded the function subtitle for this, and edited it to also add axes titles.
function [ax,h]=subtitle_mw(text,theXLabel,theYLabel) % % SOURCE: % USER: MathWorks Support Team % %Centers a title over a group of subplots. % %Returns a handle to the title and the handle to an axis. % % [ax,h]=subtitle(text) % % returns handles to both the axis and the title. % % ax=subtitle(text) % % returns a handle to the axis only. % Create an invisible axis that covers all the subplots ax=axes('Units','Normal','Position',[.075 .05 .85 .9],'Visible','off'); %ax=axes('Units','Normal','Position',[.075 .075 .85 .85]);%,'Visible','off'); % original % Remove ticklabels set(ax, 'XTickLabel', []); set(ax, 'YTickLabel', []); % Set desired components to visible set(get(ax,'Title'),'Visible','on') set(get(ax,'xlabel'),'Visible','on') set(get(ax,'ylabel'),'Visible','on') % print the desired components title(text); xlabel(theXLabel); ylabel(theYLabel); % some additional output if (nargout < 2) return end h=get(ax,'Title');
Getting a desired line on top of the stack of your figure
Some software packages recommended by SH
Python and all the typical SciPy stuff for data analysis
PostgreSQL - a SQL database server
SQLalchemy - magic SQL database manipulation in Python
Flask - easy web server/apps in Python
REST API - for communicating between web apps
JSON - the data format for transmitting data between apps
JQuery - JavaScript library for doing fancy web apps
Highcharts - JavaScript chart library